“The best-laid schemes of Mice and Men
Go oft awry” (Robert Burns, interpreted by Michael Burch).
Dear Self,
I know you love your planner. It feels so good to make goals. Check off all those little boxes…how productive you can be! Sometimes, though, life interrupts. Unexpected changes occur. Those good ideas you want to do must be cancelled, or saved for another day.
It is the best way.
“THIS is what He has given us to do, this task here on this earth, not the task we aspired to do, but this one…The great discrepancy between what we envisioned and what we’ve got forces us to be REAL” (Elisabeth Elliot).
Your plans weren’t bad ones, they felt right at the time. But then the unexpected arrived and it turns out those were His plans for you all along. If love is laying down your selfish desires, maybe that unfulfilled goal is the best one on your list.
“The chain of cause and effect which makes up human life, is bisected at every point by a vertical line relating us and all we do to God” (Baron Von Hugel).
When a loved one arrives unexpectedly, moving you our of your comfortable space, your productive use of time, your expected activity, how do you respond?
Do you remember your Master who always stopped to help the needy one at the side of the road to “more important” things? He welcomed noisy, distracting children into the middle of his precious hours.
He knew these things mattered.
Oh self, don’t forget. When has He ever been too busy for you? When you call He is not delayed by important world events or needs greater than your one little hurting heart. If you love Him, do likewise.
PS There will be enough time for all that needs doing. I promise!