Cover Us

“He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge: His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” (Psalm 91:4).

Cover us when we’re sleeping.

When they were small, their toys covered the floor. Chaos filled each inch of our home until nap time. Then, I gently covered each weary child with  blankets, soft and comforting. 

They slept. 

We rested.

Cover us when we go out.

When they explored the world, my watchful eyes pursued them. 

I imagine the action hero, “Cover me!”

Trees, slides and friends loomed full of adventure and fun. 

Danger was not in their minds. 

I covered. They bravely set out 

to do it all. 

Cover us when we are needy.

For years we covered all of their needs. 

What worry did they have? 

Dinner and comfort came easily. 

Now they discover the world full of costs and risks. 

Sometimes we just can’t cover their choices. 

They must learn.

Cover us when we are lost.

“Watch and pray,” I tell my friend. 

These precious ones have grown up and out. 

Sometimes they ask for advice. 

More often they learn from their choices. 

I cover each one in prayer.

Cover us when we don’t see You.

Through it all, we are covered. 

The Father sees us all, 

He sees us fall, 

He hears our call. 

If His eyes are on the sparrow, 

how much more us,

His children. 

Through the years we try to cover them with love. 

We lavishly comfort, protect and forgive. 

How much more our Father covers us. 

They are my children.

I am His child. 

Our Father covers us.


About the author

Anna Gibson is a teacher and writer who is passionate about helping others wrestle hope and meaning out of their struggles. She shares her blog posts on faith, family and philosophy at hope and she will be publishing her first book, Blackbelt Mama in the near future.


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