Fleeing Brings Focus

“If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through flames” (1 Corinthians 3:15, NIV).

Florida, our state, had two hurricanes hit hard this fall! 


I’m thankfully safe on the panhandle. For many families, remaining home was not a choice. It reminds me of a time in California when my kids were small.

We lived in Valley Center, a farm area of San Diego County. Inland, it was hot and dry. One day, a neighbor knocked urgently upon my door.

Evacuate! Wild fires are coming! 

Go! Now! Flee!

I could see the smoke and even some flames from over a nearby hill. I rushed into action: husband, 4 kids, one dog, diapers and water bottles piled into our van. We fled with all speed to a safer place. We left everything else behind!

No toothbrushes, no changes of clothing, no special mementos… just the most precious and essential entered our van. How little I cared about the rest surprised me.

Our home was spared. Our stuff remained when evacuation orders lifted. But I learned a significant lesson. What is most precious to me? What can I release if urgency insists?

Only the people we love and our faith matter when things fall apart.

My dear mama succumbed to Alzheimer’s disease at the end of her life. Many important things she forgot. But over and over she repeated,

“I love you, you love me, that is all, that is all.”

As we pray or find ways to help families who’s homes have been devastated by storms, it’s good to take simple inventory. What would you NEED if you had to flee? What could you leave behind? 

After all the storms have passed we discover the things that truly mattered all along.

About the author

Anna Gibson is a teacher and writer who is passionate about helping others wrestle hope and meaning out of their struggles. She shares her blog posts on faith, family and philosophy at hope wrestles.com and she will be publishing her first book, Blackbelt Mama in the near future.


  1. Yea!!! I’m trying to get rid of things. Trying… slowly trying. Painful process … but making strides. Thank you for encouragement!!

  2. There’s no way now I could flee,
    of that I have no doubt,
    but save yourselves, go on, leave me,
    and I will ride it out
    to be waiting, yeah, right here,
    begrimed and bloody, but alive.
    Voice’ll be slurred, but eyes quite clear
    for hell is where I thrive,
    and in the flames I find a truth
    that’s guided all my days
    from my cocky misspent youth
    to these last byways,
    and that truth is it’s quite all right
    to never run from a good fight.

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