Once, long ago, a man named Jacob wrestled with an angel. Or maybe it was with God. Anyway, he held on tenaciously, and he would not let go. He wrestled so hard, it hurt his hip permanently. He received a new name and a new understanding of everything. When the match ended, he named the place “Face of God,” and traveled on to meet his brother with new strength.
In my own story, answers don’t always come easily. Little prayers get answered, but big ones linger. Yet, in the every day struggle, beautiful connections are formed. The moments of wrestling lead to new strength, deep relationship, indelible hope.
Hope Wrestles. Little clusters of words bring meaning to the struggle. Jesus said, “in this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”(John 16:33) Sometimes it feels like things aren’t getting better. Sometimes it appears that love is not winning. Sometimes it seems foolish to try again…. But I have an Author provides hope for my story.
Hope wrestles in prayer. Hope wrestles to make sense. Hope wrestles to hold fast…
“let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23
Welcome! Please join me. Let’s look for hope in the common and in the overwhelming moments of our lives. I am glad for your company!