“My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself,
Where she may have her young- a place near Your altar,
O Lord Almighty, my King, and my God” (Psalm 84:2-3, NIV).
“What gave the martyrs strength to face their persecutors? It was their closeness to the altar…they spent time ‘under the altar’ growing close to Jesus through prayer, worship, and His word. How close to the altar are you?” (CBS Revelation Study, page 75)
How close to the altar am I?
“How LONG, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until You judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” (Revelation 6:10, NIV)
I close my Bible study, pondering this question in my heart. We have been reading the account of the end of times. The martyrs in Revelation chose to be living sacrifices to God. I want to offer myself up every day to pray and study God’s word. I need to renew my mind. (See Romans 12:1-2)

These special ones chose to forfeit their lives rather than deny Jesus. My life is sheltered in contrast. I try to take little opportunities to “die to myself” in the day-to-day. Do I choose my personal preferences or place others above myself? This is the way of the cross. This is the pleasing sacrifice. (See Philippians 2:1-4)
Will a moment come when we have actual life-or-death choices to make for our faith? Only God knows. Yet each of us can find strength to deny ourselves and honor Jesus.
I LONG for the time when God will set all things right. This world is broken, and loving others hurts. I want this LONGING to draw me close to the altar and the comfort of Christ.
How LONG? As LONG as it takes. For now, we hold onto promises.
How close to the altar am I? How close to the altar are you?
“One morning when time is done
Bright Heaven will be our refuge,
City of God Most High
I LONG for that holy Day
Sometimes it captures my heart and carries me far away…
Beyond the sky, beyond all telling,
Our Father Himself will be our Light.
His arms will hold us and with His hand
He’ll wipe away the tears that stain our eyes.”
(Fernando Ortega)
Wonderful. ❤️ G
Good scriptures to pull up. thank you. FMF12