John 19:30
“Do you who live in eternity hear the prayers of
those of us who live in time?
We can’t see what’s ahead and we cannot break free
from what we’ve left behind.”
Rich Mullins
He declared it was finished. The battle was already won. We read about His victory all these years later. If we belong to Christ, He sets us free. The old is gone. The new has come. It is finished.
He replaced my heart of stone with a heart of flesh. He brought me over from death to life. He gives me the power to overcome every struggle in this life. Here I am, though, caught up on the timeline, trying to trust that the victory is already won.
We live in “the already but not yet” suspense of our days. We see darkness around us but know that God’s light is greater. We grieve for broken relationships, broken lives, broken hopes. Surely God will win our battles. We can trust Him. Faith is trusting what we do not see.
I have already chosen to trust my unseen Savior many times. He doesn’t always do things my way, but He always responds to my call. Have you already decided to follow Jesus? He will finish what He has begun.
From the cross,
where all hope looked lost,
He called out,
“It is finished.”