Like the Noonday Sun

“Delight yourself in the LORD and He

will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD;

Trust in Him and He will do this:

He will make your righteousness shine

like the dawn,

The justice of your cause like the

noonday sun.”

Psalm 37:3,4


I love to hear from God as I anticipate a new season. Sometimes, it isn’t easy to press in and listen. It is always worth the effort.

This Christmas, I wanted something to offer my family. I prayed for a word for each of them in the new year. Cherish, Overcome, Delight, Discover, Renew, and Embrace each held special meaning to me. I passed them out instead of Christmas cards.

Then I began asking God for a word I could apply to my own year. I thought of Psalm 37 where God encourages us to delight in Him. He will give us the desires of our hearts. But I already gave that one to my daughter! I paused and prayed.

I listened a little more, and Psalm 37:5-6 felt just right. I want to COMMIT my way to God and TRUST Him in all things. I am writing a book. The second half of the process looms before me. I have an incredible amount to learn. 

One day near the end of December I got to meet up with a long-distance writing friend. We had never been able to exchange hugs. Onto the Navarre Beach, we walked, sharing, and encouraging one another. As we prepared to leave, I remembered to capture a picture.

“I’m not too good with selfies,” I apologized. “I hope the sun isn’t too bright. Say, ‘Jesus,’” I snapped the photo without even checking it until later.

Now I see our picture from the beach. Sunbeams shine over us, almost hiding our faces. Oh! this is what I want God’s light to do in my life! 

Shine, Jesus, shine! Cover my life with your presence. I want my writing endeavors to shine out like the noonday sun. Then I will be satisfied.

Isn’t God good to meet us where we are?

May He guide you through this new year of learning to walk by faith.

About the author

Anna Gibson is a teacher and writer who is passionate about helping others wrestle hope and meaning out of their struggles. She shares her blog posts on faith, family and philosophy at hope and she will be publishing her first book, Karate Mama in the near future.


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