
“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” 

(Colossians 1:17).

Matter: 1. anything that takes up space and can be weighed.

  2.  being of importance, having significance (Oxford Languages)

“Mama, did you know we’ll have two moons for awhile this fall?” asks my 17 51/52 year old son.

“What do you mean?” I respond. “Is it a Blue Moon?” I try figuring out how this could be. Our full moon just happened this week.

“No, an astroid will orbit the earth for 56 days.” 

I check it out. He’s right!

Today my youngest son turns 18. For a few short years our children orbit around us. Our space in the Universe gives them security and structure.

Now my four children move on, finding their own paths in the world. Still, God holds each of their lives together.

I remember in 2005, finding out this son was joining our family. 

“How can I do this?” I cried. “Four is too many! We’re already outnumbered.” 

But all along, God held each member of our family together. 

He still does!

That asteroid will circle our earth for a little while. Then it will resume its path through our galaxy without the earth to influence its journey.

My son will finish one more year of learning at home. Then his path too will take a new route, one I cannot see or imagine. The One who holds ALL THINGS together knows where he is going. 

I can trust Jesus, who holds together every molecule and every galaxy, to hold the lives of my children. 

He is able. He is faithful. 

They matter more to Him than they do to me. 

On this birthday I give thanks to the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

About the author

Anna Gibson is a teacher and writer who is passionate about helping others wrestle hope and meaning out of their struggles. She shares her blog posts on faith, family and philosophy at hope and she will be publishing her first book, Blackbelt Mama in the near future.

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