Respite: A period of rest or relief
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength.”
Isaiah 30:15
Sometimes a new homeschool parent comes to me for advice.
“What should I DO?” she urgently asks.
I am an evaluator who loves to see kids thrive and grow. So she may be surprised when I tell her to take a break. Go outside together. Laugh and play. Read good books. A respite is healing. There will be time to choose curriculums and schedules later.
Now my family waits. We love to worship with other believers. It is difficult to wait upon God’s small, still voice. We are challenged to trust in the times of waiting.
“What should I DO?” I pray with a sort of desperation?
Maybe for awhile, I will dwell in places where time slows down.
Maybe I will lay aside my schedule and my clock.
Maybe I will visit a beach,
a woodsy trail,
a friendly book.
Respite will give me ears to hear.