
(This month my youngest becomes an adult. I am writing on parenting young adults. My timely five minute write prompt is the word YOUTH)

My sons and my daughter,

I am more proud of you than I can express. You are wonderful to me! After the time I spent watching you grow, I am amazed at your strength, your knowledge and your enthusiasm for life. It should not surprise me if sometimes you forget to check in.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

I remember my own youth. Independence felt scary and amazing all at once. I think I went for weeks at a time forgetting to call my mama. We didn’t have email, texting or messaging back then. Phone calls took time. Still, I could have called more than I did. I was living my new life as a young adult.

Sometimes in our youth, we forget things that we knew in our childhood. I hope when you are out there, doing your life independently, you will remember a few important things. (This is true whether you live under our roof, or away from us. You make your own choices!)

“Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come…” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

God is with you wherever you go. I’m glad there is nowhere I can run to get away from Him. I’m glad He knows what I’m thinking, when I rise and when I rest. He is FOR ME, and so I take comfort that He shepherds me through every season of life.

“…He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Your mama and daddy think of you all the time. I watch and pray when it seems I am silent. I wait for your messages, calls and connections with as much patience as I can muster up. It always feels best when it is your idea to reach out to me. I am always here for you.

There are seeds of truth planted deep in your heart. You may forget them during this season of your youth, but God will make hope and love grow from those seeds in His perfect timing. This growth will keep life fresh and exciting. It will remind you there is more to this life than the quickly passing pleasures. What you choose to do with your days matters. And God’s mercy is fresh every morning. 

Listen to the still, small voice. It will speak truth to your soul.


Your silly, wordy Mama

*Be glad my timer went off! 😉*

About the author

Anna Gibson is a teacher and writer who is passionate about helping others wrestle hope and meaning out of their struggles. She shares her blog posts on faith, family and philosophy at hope and she will be publishing her first book, Blackbelt Mama in the near future.


  1. We never outgrow the delight of having our children call (or text but how nice to hear their voice) and to keep in touch!! Congrats on raising another one to adulthood!

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